Tuesday, January 24, 2006


she remembers me
at last after along time she phoned me
i was at loss of words then
could very cautiosly tell it would have been only she
sad very sad after that
my presence who knows may be a disaster for her
but to keep her away from my heart and mind is rather impossible
what to do now

who.... will guider me
whether to ring her or not
lets see

Sunday, January 15, 2006

rough times ahead

at last i have decided to leave piet
but undecided about my future plan
but i think its high time to take a drastic decision and i think being at home and getting all the comfort pushes me backwards
and i can not think freely because of that.
hopoe i can refresh myself by some designing courseor mtech
but mba is what i will surely do no doubt about it
bye for now

Friday, January 13, 2006

bhabani got thru iter

i failed but bhabani made it
now i have decided to leave piet
going to bbsr abd then i will think about my next step whether to join any other college or goin for some training
ok bye for now

Monday, January 09, 2006

disaster once again

xat even harder than cat
totally screwed up
no hope from anywhere now

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

teachers training programe at sit a failure

its a farsh(in odiya)
no teachers available
only 5 participants
so ultimately it was decided to reschedule and the programe post[poned
no material only money matters here at bput
no system in place
no one to co ordinate properly and then the copy corrections r starting from this 6th so
the timing is bad too
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