Saturday, July 14, 2007

define and understand terrorism

Its not that only uneducated,unemployed youth caught in the net of terrorism.I think its the reverse way..its all in the mindset.its not about the photo that pakistani has in his pocket but its about the place osama has made into the heart of that pakistani who could be a dangerous threat to the society.who could guess similar story in the line of 9/11 happens through a person like him.beware!!!!!!

Monday, May 28, 2007

easy but not so.........

easy is to die for a cause but difficult is to live for it.

my 2 day trip to friends in delhi

it was a nice experience..
after my exams were over,i could get some days to visit my friends.
i went to rakesh at noida first discussed a lot about investment ,then at night i went to prabhat..after a long time we both took shower from the rain god,it was raining heavily and we were enjoying like anything.that was cool...we refreshed our memory of our old uce days over there.the next morning i went to prabeer and to my surprise i got so many friends over there.totally a odiya community was there at that day.we prepared traditional odiya cuisine(baigon poda,badi chura,pakhal bhata with dahi,chenachur,tamato chakada and what not)i enjoyed the food like anything.then at the evening we went to iskcon temple and danced to the tune to hare radha hare krishna.then we marched to jagannath temple at hauzkhas,there i met sudhansu bahi and some juniors of uce.the food served to us was awesome and a complete odiya hang out over there..a sort of picnic every day at prabhus mercy over there.i parted away from frends and went to thakurs residence at dwarka.we talked a lot that night about a whole lot of things.the next day morning we went to the market and took some digital photos for the 3 pm i got back to my hostel..that was a nice experience for me i could find a lot of friends and what not...

Monday, April 30, 2007

bade dino ka baad..

friends..its been a long time i m writing today.
life is full of surprises..and it all happened to me.
got a place in pwc for summers..some cheers indeed.
went to tehri for our industrial visit,an wonderful experience.
haridwar mein ganga nahaye..rishikesh ghumke aaye..
everything was going all right and suddenly something happened.
the result of 1st sem was declared.
to my surprise i got a back paper.
i was quite surprised ..i did not know how to react.
while verifying i found that somehow my external marks were not added up.
and the npti was not at all concerned about the whole thing.
today only i got my detailed mark shhet and i found that i was marked absent in that paper.
i took the photocopy of my attendance sheet and a letter from the pd and going to the universityu tomorrow.
i know i have to suffer for the mistake of the university.
xams r there from 4th may ,but then its all part of the game because i know and i say..always expect some unexpected thing in life and march on,true in my case.
we r in india and dream of a error free india.
someday or the other it is going to happen..its only through changing the mindset of the people.
we dont have any problem ..the problem lies in our thinking process.
lets hope for the best.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

watche guru with friends

yup the much talked movie of the town today
i watched this movie
fantastic one...really no harm in dreaming big.
getting the work done by hook or crook is the real strategic move now a days in this corporate arena.
the person with no mba a metric failed student started his journey from the village to turkey where he worked as a container provider for petroleum....gurukant desai.
came back home..needed money so married with a woman from where he could get the desired amount but in terms of dowry.
made the friend n brother in law a partner in his march to soar high.
played all the tricks to enter into the business with his sharp ideas and mind.
changed the track of the nation by going into silk import when everybody prefers to have khadi.
changed the rules of the game ,played with the law...made big money showing false profit by buying back his own shares.
converting the non convertible debentures into shares...going to public for raising funds...
an reporter from the independent caught him red handed and was successful in sealing all his factory by airing everything in his newspaper.
the share holders demanded money they lost and branded him the smuggler
suddenly he went to coma and lost one hand completely...
the judiciary bench enquired into the matters and found him guilty but at last he got 5 minutes and changed the way public thinks about citing the fault of the system and the rich persons monopoly he could make them understand his view point and at last he could only give a fine of some lakhs of rupees for tax evasion..and his dream for going into various fields became a huge success..and at last he called for making the company the no1 in the world...there goes the theme..dream big and go and get it.
i saw no fault with him as he has taken the full advantage of the lacuna of the system and achieved what he has dreamt for..and in this dream his wife made a big contribution. he had immense faith with his partners and workers.
really a nice movie from my side i would rate this movie as must watchable with the songs of gulzar and music of rehman makes the perfect combination.
at last i enjoyed the movie ,this was my first movie at pvr in faridabad.

writing testimonials for friends

started a new venture...this time in writing testimonials for friends
its a wonderful experience
till now i have written some 35 testimonials and the feedback is overwhelming.
by this way i want to hone my written skills in a big way.
hope this will help me out.
it is just the beginning.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

got a new pc

so at last i have to cut short of my budget
and have to take an economical decision
so finally decided to go for an assembled pc
krishna helped me out
we took the assemble pc from nehru palace at 15k only
our doctor nitinji assembled the pc but could not load windows xp
tried very hard................but alas
at last joginderji helped me out to find out the fault
actually my ram was not working
i replaced my ram with the vendor ,got a new one
now its working fine
thanx to all who helped me like anything....
now lets see how much benefit i could derive out of this.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

trying hard to gather support the M factor

calling some friends for a differnt kind of help
hope to get some in my kitty
so far all have responded positively
today pandey called me and said he has finished his work
thanks ..
others to follow

Thursday, January 11, 2007

enjoyin chilli cold nights at delhi

its party time but not for me yaar
i am remaining at the hostel and not going to home.
yaar too cold about 2 degree over here
but i visited akshardham,lotus temple and palika bajar.
baki sab cool
hope my buddies will come early
waitin 4 them and lot of orkuting an chat
thats it
just killing time yaar
bye for now
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