Thursday, April 24, 2008

last days at NPTI

Its been approx 2 years now at NPTI and the reverse countdown has already begin ,no not to take off but to bid adieu from NPTI.I cherished these moments as i passed out this phase of my life.Thinking about the past,I could remember those spicy days at PIET where the role of a lecturer suited me for almost 4 years.Just at the time I needed a break from the clutch of well educated but disguished mentality persons,I found Thakur at the helm.A Mtech by reserch call from NIT,Rourkela,post of visiting faculty at IIPM and lots more but I choose to side with Thakur and decided to go to Hyderabad.A SAP course at hyderabad that to half finished and got a call from NPTI.Not knowing much about the college and particularly the power sector at first instant hestated to come for interview but the buttkicks of bBibhuti and insipirations of Thakur pushed me to board the train to Delhi.Train journey a nightmare as i lost my new pair of shoes and then I learnt that its a good sign and success awaiting somewhere.

When I landed at surprised by the infrastructure first,at first it reminded me about the IITs and IIMs.How could a govt own set up be so neat and clean with green grasslawn spreading a to a larger area.I met one of the very nervous guy at mogging something for the interview and lots of questions in his mind.I offered my friendship and accepted.Though I landed here but never serious about the GD and interview (totally undecided about the future).Taking things light was my way of handling pressure ,u can say.Entering to the hall,seniors greeted us and there was a good presentation about the power sector .It is at this time I first introduced myself to the sphere of power,never worried about the frequent power cuts but always cursing the people behind the power cut,never knowing the complexity of the problem,why for these power cuts are there.

A group of streeful students thinking of the GD ahead and worried.I got tensed and came out of that streeful chamber outside for relaxing.I always prefered to be in a cool and calm area.My turn comes for the GD and I still remember the topic ,its about terrorism.My stand always a tough stand on these matters,I never looked at the othe otherside,killing,terrorising people was the worst kind of things to demand something I believe.My part was over though inside the discussion it was a complete chaos and a fish market as,never expected to get good marks on that,then just waited for my turn for the interview and at last the time came when I entered to the conference room for a chit chat.

Never sure about what kind of questions they gonna ask to me but pretty sure if they asked me about my work ex,I can explain them better but no question started and it was about MCB.The first reaction of my mind to this question is Maharashtra cricket board(I pl;ayed a lot of cricket so it came naturally)though i did not speak about it.sorry sir,dont know..a little bit of laugh from the other side..its natural because ppl should know at least the name miniature circuit board,I didnot.Then about the power sector,power sector reforms,capacity of generation in Orissa and a lot ,I was dumb socked and could not utter a single word.I mean neither I was prepared nor I am serious about the selection so i did not feel guilty..then they were fed up and at last asked me about my teaching experience.So ,which subjects
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