Thursday, November 10, 2005

resoulution of rss akhil bharatiya karyakari mandal


Resolution-1 (21.10.05) Cast rivalry and Social Harmony

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (ABKM) expresses deep
concern over the increasing incidents of caste rivalry in the Hindu
Society. The ABKM appeals that the core message of 'Samarasata'
(social harmony) - 'Hindavah sodarah sarve' (All Hindus are
brothers and sisters) should be spread in all sections of the
Caste based untouchability and feeling of so called 'high caste'
and 'low caste' are evils haunting our society. Unfortunately such
incidents occur in society even to this day manifesting the worst
form of caste discrimination. Hindu society will have to get rid of
this evil at the earliest.
Inventing caste based new conflicts in the Hindu society for the
sake of political benefits has become a trend of many politicians
these days. Treacherous elements are also joining hands in this.
To create the vote banks, these politicians are encouraging
caste-based rivalries, which result in creation of various caste
based clashes.
The ABKM appeals to all political parties to free themselves from
the clutches of caste based politics, which is causing deep
divisions in the society, and give an orientation of eternal
Bharatiya Sanskriti to Indian democracy. Bharatiya Sanskriti is the
deciding force to achieve 'Samarasata'.
All Dharmacharyas have given the ruling that untouchability has
no place in Hindu Dharma. In view of this, the honour to carry
out he foundation stone laying ceremony of Ramjanmabhoomi was
bestowed on a person belonging to Scheduled classes, and
Saints visited the house of 'dome Raja' to partake of food. The
visit of the Saints to 'Dikshabhumi' at Nagpur and garlanding the
statue of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar is a path breaking incident. In
the Kala Ram temple of Nasik, the priest of the temple, whose
forefathers had opposed entry of Dr. Ambedkar and his followers
into the temple, invited the brothers of those castes, which at
one time used to be called untouchables, to perform a 'Yagnya',
thus setting an example of atonement. Such examples
underscore the glory of positive efforts. It is necessary that
sustained efforts should continue in this direction to successfully
eradicate the evil of untouchability and feeling of 'high' and
'low' castes.
'Ekam sat viprah Bahudha vadanti' (Truth is one; wise men
describe it in various ways) is the basic vision on the basis of which
various religious sects are equally honoured in the Hindutva
stream. No religion or sect is inferior to others. The whole society
should be aware that every sect and caste of Bharat has a
glorious history. The ABKM appeals to all sects and castes that they
should not look down on other sects and castes. The entire
society should fully realize the essence of 'Na Hinduh Patito Bhavet'
(No Hindu shall ever be fallen).
The ABKM appeals to the Hindu society that it should take all the
necessary measures to ensure entry and access to every
Hindu, irrespective of his caste, to their homes, temples,
religious places, public wells, ponds, and other public places.
ABKM appeals to the society in general and swayamsevaks in
particular that, in the birth centenary year of shri Guruji, The
ongoing efforts should be intensified to achieve the noble aim of

Resolution-2 (22.10.05) Kashmir Initiative

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (ABKM) calls for caution,
commitment and restraint in the Kashmir Initiative of the
Government of Bharat. We cannot overlook the fact that in the
last 6 decades of independence we have witnessed gradual
shrinking of our borders. Our neighbours had encroached upon over
one lac sq kms of our land with impunity.
The ABKM wants to remind people that continuing terrorist
violence in J&K and unabated infiltration across the borders despite
the peace process puts serious question mark on the sincerity of
the Pakistan dispensation. These acts of terrorism continuing
under worst human suffering due to earthquake underscore the
brutality and viciousness of these perpetrators from across the
The ABKM views the decision to pull back our troops from Siachen
region as unwise and uncalledfor. That control over Siachen is
crucial to our strategic requirements is well known.
The ABKM is concerned over various proposals floating around in
the name of the Kashmir Initiative. There are apprehensions
that after Siachen, Bharat will be asked to de-militarize
Baramullah and Kupwara districts in the Valley; there is talk of greater

autonomy; there are also proposal for open borders and joint
administration. We consider all these proposals as against the
interests and integrity of our country. The ABKM, strongly
condemns the Government's permission to the Hurriyat leaders to cross
over to Pakistan and have confabulations with Pakistani leaders.
This imprudent action on the part of the Government is
tantamount to conceding Pakistan a role in the matters that fall
within our domain only. It is unfortunate that due to such actions
of the Government the much publicised Kashmir Initiative has
shifted the focus away from Pak occupied Kashmir to the Indian
state of J&K.
The ABKM wants to remind our government about the 1994 resolution
of our Parliament in which the country unanimously and
categorically reiterated that the only issue between Bharat and
Pakistan is in relation to when and how Pakistan vacates that part
of J&K which is in its illegal occupation for long. The ABKM
expects the Government to stand firmly against any international
The ABKM warns the government that the people of our country will
not tolerate any compromise on the issue of our territorial
integrity and defense of our borders in the name of peace

Resolution-3 (23.10.05) Separatism in North-East

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (ABKM) expresses deep
concern over the violent separatist activities being conducted
under the garb of 'Greater Nagaland (or Nagalim) movement'.
The demand to include some districts of Manipur in Greater
Nagaland, will put the very existence of already tiny Manipur in
jeopardy. The resistance of the people of Manipur to that demand
is quite natural and justified. The act of seperatist outfits to
impose economic blockade on the people of Manipur for 52 days in
last July-August is totally deplorable. It is unfortunate that the
administration remained indifferent towards this blockade,
consequently encouraging the separatist terrorist outfits.
Greater Nagaland movement is also raising the demand to include
the Hindu majority Karbianglong and N.C. Hills (North Kachar
Hill district) districts of Assam in its orbit. The Karbi and
Dimasa tribes of these districts which cohabit peacefully there have
opposed this demand. The separatist forces are conspiring to
create conflicts between these tribes to achieve their nefarious
plan. Due to these instigated conflicts, hundreds of people of
both Karbi and Dimasa tribes have lost their lives, many villages
have been burntdown, and more than 70,000 people have been
displaced. The entire Hindu society should become aware of
this Church conspiracy to instigate conflicts among the Hindu
tribes and come forward to help our victimized and displaced
An intensified movement of conversion to Christianity is going on
in the districts of Tirap and Changlang of Arunachal Pradesh
with the same aim of including these districts in the proposed
Greater Nagaland. The innocent tribal people of these districts are
being lured as well as threatened for the purpose. This should be
immediately checked.
The hideous face of separatist Church-inspired two nation theory
behind the demand of creating greater Nagaland by dividing
the above three states of the North-East is expossed. It is the
constitutional and democratic duty of the administration and
political leadership, that they should initiate moves to defeat
the communal separatist forces and protect national integrity of
Bharat. The ABKM appeals to the society to unite against the
separatist elements and their foreign supporting powers.

Resolution-4 (23.10.05) End Minorityism

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (ABKM) decries the return of
the demon of minority appeasement under the present UPA
Its earlier decision to provide 50% reservation for Muslims in
Aligarh Muslim University and its attempts now to go in appeal
against the HC order on the minority status of the Aligarh Muslim
University is a standing proof of its appeasement policy. One of
its senior ministers crosses all limits of crass minority
appeasement and publicly lures Muslims with the offer of Chief
against all democratic norms and spirit of the Constitution. Yet
he continues to be an honourable member of the UPA cabinet.
Also reprehensible is the reported directive given to all the
Chief Ministers of the Congress-ruled states to emulate Andhra
Pradesh government in extending reservations to Muslims.
Creation of Minority Education Commission, special subsidies for
Muslim students preparing for the UPSC and other competitive
exams, setting up of a commission to look into the question of
granting reservations to all converted SCs. further fortify the
allegation of minority-pandering of this government. Reports
indicate that the government is actively considering setting up a
Ministry for Minority Welfare, special recruitment drive for
Muslims in Army, setting up Islamic banking etc.
The ABKM notes with regret that, with exceptions, there is a race
among political parties to appease minorities in different shapes
and forms. For electoral benefits politicians are competing with
each other to pronounce special benefits for minorities like
reservations etc.
This competitive minorityism is the reason behind the total
inaction of the UP government in Mau where Muslim goons butchered
Hindus allegedly at the behest of the local Muslim MLA. The ABKM
strongly condemns the callous attitude of the UP
government in protecting the lives and property of Hindus. It is
shocking that no proper enquiry has been instituted to look into
the causes of the violence and identify and punish the
perpetrators of the same.
While the judiciary has, from time to time, tried to caution the
government about the perils of minority appeasement, the ABKM
regrets to note that the merchants of minorityism are busy
inventing ways and means to bypass all such observations and
advices by the judiciary.
The ABKM warns the government that encouraging minorityism will
only generate unrest in the society by way of reaction. We
call upon the government to honour the verdicts of the courts in
letter and spirit failing in which would prove costly to the unity and
integrity of our country.

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