Thursday, November 05, 2009

Carbon for All at Copenhagen!! Is anybody listening?

What to expect at Copenhagen! A complete disaster and a big failure..

The big guns in term of carbon emissions( read US and Australia) with their big kitty will never bow down to so called G77 Countries and never take a global target of reducing emissions.

It is clear now when US is all set to take a domestic legislation for carbon reduction not a global commitment as others perceive.

The Targets:

Global Consensus: 40% reduction over 1990 levels for industrialized countries
US Tagets: 20% below 2005 levels by where near the global consensus and joining its chorus Australia, one of the major emitters of CO2.

US has increased its green house emissions by at least 16% between 1990 and 2005 and never committed to Kyoto protocol.

Take a look at its global share, having 5% of world’s population, releases 18% of total global emission and have a share of 30% of the global stock of carbon emission.
Australia at the other hand increased its carbon emission by 40% after 1990 and was not a party to Kyoto protocol. It is a loyal ally to the US at this front.

I am never convinced at carbon credits being introduced by Kyoto protocol. No doubt carbon emission a global phenomenon and how could buying certain credits help reduces the overall carbon emission.

It is nothing but weighing the carbon emission in terms of money. It clearly indicates that there is compensation to virtually everything and if you have the money keep going polluting environment and buy carbon credits with your bucks and name them as green bucks.

What a solution!! This is just an eye wash and at best US will buy carbon credits to showcase its concerns for global emission.

The real criminals are no doubt the US and Australia who despite their large share in carbon stocks is reluctant to take carbon reduction target.

What best we can expect, an internal target for US and it will keep pressurize other nations to buy their point or perish.
India and China may resist it but I sincerely doubt their capability in bringing US to the negotiation table to discuss for a global emission reduction target. The US now pressurizing India to pay heed to what they say and pressure mounting on to break the G77 countries and it may take any course to break this grand alliance. And if it happens, it will be a global disaster.

It’s high time to differentiate US at least on carbon emission front and make it abide by the global emission target. Is it possible? The question remains to be answered and all eyes will be set for Copenhagen!!

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