Friday, December 30, 2005

thermo paper level above avg

this time the thermo question was little bit difficult.almost all qs were tricky and at first instance it was hard to interpret but after some insaight one can easily attempt but to these students i believe it is hard to crack.lets wait and watch what will happen .only the result will tell.bye

Sunday, December 25, 2005

pulak attacked

saturday dated 24th december
we were at exam duty
no one was there in workshop
some 10 students went inside the workshop and there was heated arguments with pulak sir
when they scolded him,he also stared scolding with unparliamentary languages
today at 10 am that matter once again caught fire
mob was charging him
at last there was compromis
so now its hard to survive
yes i have resigned from vice president sports and the principal accepted it with cheer
baki bad mein

Friday, December 23, 2005

its bput students this time

yesterday 5th sem marks were declared(bput)
today they have started their hate campaign
scolding one of the faculty and charging him with less sending marks.
its again the da and princi in the safe side
now its their turn to ask
they r only demanding
lets see what happens

xat ahead

jan8 the date
i have a week long programe at sit prior to that starting from 2nd jan
so lets see what happens

Thursday, December 22, 2005


last sunday i had to apper for snap and irma test
prior to this i had gone to iter for the faculty positions
incidentaly i stood 2nd in written,my friend bhabani got the first rank
i appeared for the interview,whatever they asked me i replied but it seemed that they were not convinced even i could not make them convinced in thermo also
anyhow it ended,in irma i did a lot of qs but screwed up in gk all i marked with intuitions only,lets see and in snap made some mistakes in gk section too although the qs were easy
but hope to get good marks
xat ahead,lets see and ..
ok bye

Thursday, December 15, 2005

apna farewell yaad aaya

Monday, December 12, 2005

totally confused

confusion all around
to be or not to be
still 3 exams left
fed up with this administration and management of piet
nothing gonna change in this institute
have to live s9omewhere but to where
options are plenty but few are realistic
gonna doin an mtech or the mba dream
just have to wait for one month and then i will decide what kind of bowling i will do bcos after all the ball is in my court
bye for now

kya hoga iss desh ka

hamare adaraniya mp sahebs
sawwaal puchne ke liye le rahe hain ghush
kya baat hai
desh kaise chal raha hai
its beyond our imagination
for the sake of money these people one day will sell the country
and one day when we arise we will see the doomsday
in logo ko beech bazaar mein nanga karke suli pe chadha dena chahiye
thets it for these bas....s.
more next time

jmet better than cat

jmet went on smoothly
could attempt a lot of questions
maths a bit tough too bcos i had forgotten those engg maths
did not matter much,had taken a risk of guessing lets see whether it works or not
next sunday its snap and irma
ya one thing i missed out for nmat(narsee moonjee)
forget about it all the best for the next one

Friday, December 09, 2005

dil se re

i am happy that pandey got married and also his lady luck smiles
he is goin to join iter
so is the fate of tuna
we r here for how many days i dont know
its a hard time to be here now
so lets see where we r heading
all the best

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Hey,is it a coincidence or what,I do not know.i was just surprised and could not believe for some time that she called me up.i was just thinking of her but due to some misunderstanding or my ego problem I did not want to call her or mail her but to my surprise she rang me up 4 times and alas.. I could not receive her call because my cell was not with me at that time(another surprise…generally wherever I go,I take my cell with me).and yaah I even removed her number from my cell so I was just wondering who might be this fellow,so by surprise when I called back the no, a sweet voice greeting me from the other side but how could I remember.i did not recognize’s a long long time we had conversions with each last she was to tell me her name,I was just taken by surprise and kept mum for a little while,then the talk began.

Generally what to talk,no such things we can share and I don’t know why she tried to talk to me may be she has some reason or other,I am not all went like this ..about frendz,their marriage,and about the city.i was just surprised to listen thjat the city where she was staying was not safe.i asked feeling lonely with no one to share ur feelings was too tough then this was the reality.she just wanted to listen from me..,I don’t know what exactly.

Monday, December 05, 2005

right from my heart

hai how people prefer to be lonely
i wonder
its painful ,noone besidees you
noone is there to share ur feelings
no one to give u a kandha
no one to hug you
no one to take ur pains
no one to share ur gupchups
no one to fight with u

its really frightening
hey kishore i miss u a lot
ur chidchidapan,ur anger,our poems all
hey bib ,i miss u alot
ur attitude and ur smile..
hey santosh i miss u alot
ur talk and ur behaviour...

what can i do then..
as time waits for none
everyone has his own goal to achieve ..
so may god bless u all to get ur dreams come truer
i pray to almighty dont ever feel anyone to be alone in this world

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

dress code for teachers

what a step from the govt
after the students its time to line up the teachers also
its a good step and i congratulate the orissa govt if it can implement it.
it will give a new look as well as a new dimension to the overall presonality to a teacher.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

BJP mein ghamasan

kya baat hai
bjp ka use and thrw policy
uma ji nirvachan prachar mein gayee,party jeet ke aaya
aur mila kya
bjp mahasachib
kja baat hai,this bjp is shrinking
and who knows one day it will just ba a part of the history
so all the best budhauus
keep walking like uma
dont loose hope this is the moral of the story
so bye



Alone I can only say but together we can shout,
alone I can only smile but together we can laugh,
alone I can only live but together we can celebrate,
that's being friends....

Thursday, November 24, 2005


Discover the 90/10 Principle. It will change your life (at least the
way you react to situations).

What is this principle?

10% of life is made up of what happens to you. 90% of life is decided
by how you react. What does this mean?

We really have no control over 10% of what happens to us.

We cannot stop the car from breaking down.

The plane will be late arriving, which throws our whole schedule off.

A driver may cut us off in traffic.

We have no control over this 10%. The other 90% is different. You
determine the other 90%. How?

By your reaction. You cannot control a red light., but you can control
your reaction. Don't let people fool you; YOU can control how you react.

Let's use an example.

You are eating breakfast with your family. Your daughter knocks over a
cup of coffee onto your business shirt. You have no control over what
just what happened. What happens when the next will be determined by how you react.
You curse. You harshly scold your daughter for knocking the cup over.
She breaks down in tears. After scolding her, you turn to your spouse
and criticize her for placing the cup too close to the edge of the
table. A short verbal battle follows. You storm upstairs and change
your shirt. Back downstairs, you find your daughter has been too busy
crying to finish breakfast and get ready for school. She misses the
bus. Your spouse must leave immediately for work. You rush to the car
and drive your daughter to school.
Because you are late, you drive 40 miles an hour in a 30 mph speed limit.
After a 15-minute delay and throwing $60 traffic fine away, you arrive
at school. Your daughter runs into the building without saying goodbye.
After arriving at the office 20 minutes late, you find you forgot your briefcase.
Your day has started terrible. As it continues, it seems to get worse
and worse. You look forward to coming home, When you arrive home, you
find small wedge in your relationship with your spouse and daughter.


Because of how you reacted in the morning. Why did you have a bad day?

A) Did the coffee cause it?

B) Did your daughter cause it?

C) Did the policeman cause it?

D) Did you cause it?

The answer is " D".

You had no control over what happened with the coffee. How you reacted
in those 5 seconds is what caused your bad day. Here is what could have
and should have happened.

Coffee splashes over you. Your daughter is about to cry. You gently
say, "It's ok honey, you just need, to be more careful next time".
Grabbing a towel you rush upstairs. After grabbing a new shirt and your
briefcase, you come back down in time to look through the window and
see your child getting on the bus. She turns and waves. You arrive 5
minutes early and cheerfully greet the staff. Your boss comments on how
good the day you are having.

Notice the difference?

Two different scenarios. Both started the same. Both ended different.

Why? Because of how you REACTED.

You really do not have any control over 10% of what happens. The other
90% was determined by your reaction.

Here are some ways to apply the 90/10 principle.

If someone says something negative about you, don't be a sponge. Let
the attack roll off like water on glass. You don't have to let the
negative comment affect you! React properly and it will not ruin your
day. A wrong reaction could result in losing a friend, being fired,
getting stressed out etc.

How do you react if someone cuts you off in traffic?
Do you lose your temper? Pound on the steering wheel? A friend of mine
had the steering wheel fall off)

Do you curse?

Does your blood pressure skyrocket?

Do you try and bump them?

WHO CARES if you arrive ten seconds later at work? Why let the cars
ruin your drive?

Remember the 90/10 principle, and do not worry about it.

You are told you lost your job. Why lose sleep and get irritated? It
will work out. Use your worrying energy and time into finding another job.

The plane is late; it is going to mangle your schedule for the day. Why
take out your frustration on the flight attendant? She has no control
over what is going on. Use your time to study, get to know the other passenger.
Why get stressed out? It will just make things worse.

Now you know the 90-10 principle. Apply it and you will be amazed at
the results. You will lose nothing if you try it.

The 90-10 principle is incredible. Very few know and apply this principle.
The result?

Millions of people are suffering from undeserved stress, trials,
problems and heartache. There never seem to be a success in life.

Bad days follow bad days.

Terrible things seem to be constantly happening. There is constant
stress, lack of joy, and broken relationships. Worry consumes time.
Anger breaks friendships and life seems dreary and is not enjoyed to the fullest.
Friends are lost. Life is a bore and often seems cruel.

Does this describe you? If so, do not be discouraged..

You can be different!

Understand and apply the 90/10 principle.

It CAN change your life.........!!!!!!!



ganga mata ki apman

so at last in this deepawali the govt restricted the water from bhagirathi
at tihri
insulting crore of hindus
jo kam english people kar nahin paya tha usko hamare desh ke kuputo ne kar dikhaya

shame to us..

lalus time ends

its a ulatpher in bihar
nitish gains power
all credit goes to the election commision
such a nice work
first time Bihar see a free and fair election
so changing time
hip hip hurray

Monday, November 21, 2005

cat disaster

its a tough call from iims
the sections were very difficult what i feel so
could able to solve many questions but with errors that to be silly ones
again cat is out of my hand
ok bye

Thursday, November 10, 2005

resoulution of rss akhil bharatiya karyakari mandal


Resolution-1 (21.10.05) Cast rivalry and Social Harmony

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (ABKM) expresses deep
concern over the increasing incidents of caste rivalry in the Hindu
Society. The ABKM appeals that the core message of 'Samarasata'
(social harmony) - 'Hindavah sodarah sarve' (All Hindus are
brothers and sisters) should be spread in all sections of the
Caste based untouchability and feeling of so called 'high caste'
and 'low caste' are evils haunting our society. Unfortunately such
incidents occur in society even to this day manifesting the worst
form of caste discrimination. Hindu society will have to get rid of
this evil at the earliest.
Inventing caste based new conflicts in the Hindu society for the
sake of political benefits has become a trend of many politicians
these days. Treacherous elements are also joining hands in this.
To create the vote banks, these politicians are encouraging
caste-based rivalries, which result in creation of various caste
based clashes.
The ABKM appeals to all political parties to free themselves from
the clutches of caste based politics, which is causing deep
divisions in the society, and give an orientation of eternal
Bharatiya Sanskriti to Indian democracy. Bharatiya Sanskriti is the
deciding force to achieve 'Samarasata'.
All Dharmacharyas have given the ruling that untouchability has
no place in Hindu Dharma. In view of this, the honour to carry
out he foundation stone laying ceremony of Ramjanmabhoomi was
bestowed on a person belonging to Scheduled classes, and
Saints visited the house of 'dome Raja' to partake of food. The
visit of the Saints to 'Dikshabhumi' at Nagpur and garlanding the
statue of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar is a path breaking incident. In
the Kala Ram temple of Nasik, the priest of the temple, whose
forefathers had opposed entry of Dr. Ambedkar and his followers
into the temple, invited the brothers of those castes, which at
one time used to be called untouchables, to perform a 'Yagnya',
thus setting an example of atonement. Such examples
underscore the glory of positive efforts. It is necessary that
sustained efforts should continue in this direction to successfully
eradicate the evil of untouchability and feeling of 'high' and
'low' castes.
'Ekam sat viprah Bahudha vadanti' (Truth is one; wise men
describe it in various ways) is the basic vision on the basis of which
various religious sects are equally honoured in the Hindutva
stream. No religion or sect is inferior to others. The whole society
should be aware that every sect and caste of Bharat has a
glorious history. The ABKM appeals to all sects and castes that they
should not look down on other sects and castes. The entire
society should fully realize the essence of 'Na Hinduh Patito Bhavet'
(No Hindu shall ever be fallen).
The ABKM appeals to the Hindu society that it should take all the
necessary measures to ensure entry and access to every
Hindu, irrespective of his caste, to their homes, temples,
religious places, public wells, ponds, and other public places.
ABKM appeals to the society in general and swayamsevaks in
particular that, in the birth centenary year of shri Guruji, The
ongoing efforts should be intensified to achieve the noble aim of

Resolution-2 (22.10.05) Kashmir Initiative

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (ABKM) calls for caution,
commitment and restraint in the Kashmir Initiative of the
Government of Bharat. We cannot overlook the fact that in the
last 6 decades of independence we have witnessed gradual
shrinking of our borders. Our neighbours had encroached upon over
one lac sq kms of our land with impunity.
The ABKM wants to remind people that continuing terrorist
violence in J&K and unabated infiltration across the borders despite
the peace process puts serious question mark on the sincerity of
the Pakistan dispensation. These acts of terrorism continuing
under worst human suffering due to earthquake underscore the
brutality and viciousness of these perpetrators from across the
The ABKM views the decision to pull back our troops from Siachen
region as unwise and uncalledfor. That control over Siachen is
crucial to our strategic requirements is well known.
The ABKM is concerned over various proposals floating around in
the name of the Kashmir Initiative. There are apprehensions
that after Siachen, Bharat will be asked to de-militarize
Baramullah and Kupwara districts in the Valley; there is talk of greater

autonomy; there are also proposal for open borders and joint
administration. We consider all these proposals as against the
interests and integrity of our country. The ABKM, strongly
condemns the Government's permission to the Hurriyat leaders to cross
over to Pakistan and have confabulations with Pakistani leaders.
This imprudent action on the part of the Government is
tantamount to conceding Pakistan a role in the matters that fall
within our domain only. It is unfortunate that due to such actions
of the Government the much publicised Kashmir Initiative has
shifted the focus away from Pak occupied Kashmir to the Indian
state of J&K.
The ABKM wants to remind our government about the 1994 resolution
of our Parliament in which the country unanimously and
categorically reiterated that the only issue between Bharat and
Pakistan is in relation to when and how Pakistan vacates that part
of J&K which is in its illegal occupation for long. The ABKM
expects the Government to stand firmly against any international
The ABKM warns the government that the people of our country will
not tolerate any compromise on the issue of our territorial
integrity and defense of our borders in the name of peace

Resolution-3 (23.10.05) Separatism in North-East

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (ABKM) expresses deep
concern over the violent separatist activities being conducted
under the garb of 'Greater Nagaland (or Nagalim) movement'.
The demand to include some districts of Manipur in Greater
Nagaland, will put the very existence of already tiny Manipur in
jeopardy. The resistance of the people of Manipur to that demand
is quite natural and justified. The act of seperatist outfits to
impose economic blockade on the people of Manipur for 52 days in
last July-August is totally deplorable. It is unfortunate that the
administration remained indifferent towards this blockade,
consequently encouraging the separatist terrorist outfits.
Greater Nagaland movement is also raising the demand to include
the Hindu majority Karbianglong and N.C. Hills (North Kachar
Hill district) districts of Assam in its orbit. The Karbi and
Dimasa tribes of these districts which cohabit peacefully there have
opposed this demand. The separatist forces are conspiring to
create conflicts between these tribes to achieve their nefarious
plan. Due to these instigated conflicts, hundreds of people of
both Karbi and Dimasa tribes have lost their lives, many villages
have been burntdown, and more than 70,000 people have been
displaced. The entire Hindu society should become aware of
this Church conspiracy to instigate conflicts among the Hindu
tribes and come forward to help our victimized and displaced
An intensified movement of conversion to Christianity is going on
in the districts of Tirap and Changlang of Arunachal Pradesh
with the same aim of including these districts in the proposed
Greater Nagaland. The innocent tribal people of these districts are
being lured as well as threatened for the purpose. This should be
immediately checked.
The hideous face of separatist Church-inspired two nation theory
behind the demand of creating greater Nagaland by dividing
the above three states of the North-East is expossed. It is the
constitutional and democratic duty of the administration and
political leadership, that they should initiate moves to defeat
the communal separatist forces and protect national integrity of
Bharat. The ABKM appeals to the society to unite against the
separatist elements and their foreign supporting powers.

Resolution-4 (23.10.05) End Minorityism

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (ABKM) decries the return of
the demon of minority appeasement under the present UPA
Its earlier decision to provide 50% reservation for Muslims in
Aligarh Muslim University and its attempts now to go in appeal
against the HC order on the minority status of the Aligarh Muslim
University is a standing proof of its appeasement policy. One of
its senior ministers crosses all limits of crass minority
appeasement and publicly lures Muslims with the offer of Chief
against all democratic norms and spirit of the Constitution. Yet
he continues to be an honourable member of the UPA cabinet.
Also reprehensible is the reported directive given to all the
Chief Ministers of the Congress-ruled states to emulate Andhra
Pradesh government in extending reservations to Muslims.
Creation of Minority Education Commission, special subsidies for
Muslim students preparing for the UPSC and other competitive
exams, setting up of a commission to look into the question of
granting reservations to all converted SCs. further fortify the
allegation of minority-pandering of this government. Reports
indicate that the government is actively considering setting up a
Ministry for Minority Welfare, special recruitment drive for
Muslims in Army, setting up Islamic banking etc.
The ABKM notes with regret that, with exceptions, there is a race
among political parties to appease minorities in different shapes
and forms. For electoral benefits politicians are competing with
each other to pronounce special benefits for minorities like
reservations etc.
This competitive minorityism is the reason behind the total
inaction of the UP government in Mau where Muslim goons butchered
Hindus allegedly at the behest of the local Muslim MLA. The ABKM
strongly condemns the callous attitude of the UP
government in protecting the lives and property of Hindus. It is
shocking that no proper enquiry has been instituted to look into
the causes of the violence and identify and punish the
perpetrators of the same.
While the judiciary has, from time to time, tried to caution the
government about the perils of minority appeasement, the ABKM
regrets to note that the merchants of minorityism are busy
inventing ways and means to bypass all such observations and
advices by the judiciary.
The ABKM warns the government that encouraging minorityism will
only generate unrest in the society by way of reaction. We
call upon the government to honour the verdicts of the courts in
letter and spirit failing in which would prove costly to the unity and
integrity of our country.


what about terrorism

dear friends
what about terrorism
is it related to hunger,caste and religion
what about bomb blasts in delhi
what about riots in france
what about blasts in jakarta,us,uk,bali,many more
what about kashmir
one significant outcome all the terroristr are muslims
what koran says, blood and blood only nothing else
so muslims brethern tell the world that ur not the terrorists that media propagates or koran says something else
bhaichara and peace and all
why become silent
pls come forward bcos society wants that

and just stop these barbarism acts,killing innocent people
stop it for who knows someday someone very close to u be in the crossfire.

Monday, November 07, 2005


The international media has highlighted the Independent Inquiry Committee Report led by Paul Volcker, former head of the U.S. Federal Reserve, on corruption related to the United Nations Oil for Food Program in Iraq. The report named several "non-contractual beneficiaries" that included India's ruling Congress Party and its Minister of External Affairs, Mr. Natwar Singh. The charges are serious. Australia, Russia, South Africa and Switzerland had promptly launched commissions of inquiry to investigate the alleged financial indiscretion of companies and individuals domiciled in their countries. India will need to do likewise. The Government of India has called for the UN to fully disclose the materials upon which the Volcker report had based its conclusions. This is a fair request but not sufficient. Natwar Singh will need to step down until such time that his name is cleared.

A lot is at stake here. While Natwar Singh is innocent until proven guilty, he holds high office and is therefore held to higher standards than ordinary citizens. Accountability and national security are of essence here. The integrity of Indian foreign policy might well have been undermined by Saddam's "dirty money". As an opposition legislator and shadow foreign minister, Natwar had played a key role in the parliamentary resolution in New Delhi in 2003 that condemned the U.S. invasion of Iraq. With the benefit of hindsight, one now wonders whether Natwar Singh had India's best interests in mind or whether he had been bought over. As a possible recipient of Saddam's illicit largess, he might have compromised national interests and might have allowed himself to be used as a lobbyist for Iraq irrespective of whether this was in India's interest or not. Natwar Singh represents India on the world stage and if media reports stand true, might have once derived financial benefits from a foreign dictator. A person indicted in a United Nations report can not uphold India's interests in the international arena with credibility. India aspires to be a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. This entails certain obligations. The least the Government can do is to transfer him out of his job until the issue is clarified.

Natwar Singh represents the politics of international appeasement. Media reports in 2004 suggested that he had pushed for India to accede to the Chinese annexation of Aksai Chin in 1957 in return for China's recognition that Arunachal Pradesh belonged to India. He denied the reports in the face of strident BJP criticism. In August, 2005, Natwar Singh had opposed western efforts to mobilize international opinion against Iran's nuclear program. The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear technology, is not in India's interest given the links between Iran and international terrorism. In October, 2005, Natwar failed to take action against Pakistani sponsorship of terrorism in Kashmir. He instead went beyond the call of duty to initiate efforts to open the line of control in Kashmir to international relief efforts despite the escalation of terrorism with the Kashmir earthquake and to organize an unprecedented US$ 25 million relief package for Pakistan. Unconfirmed reports in 2004 had it that Natwar Singh had argued that India accept the line of control in Kashmir as the legal international border in exchange for a peace accord with Pakistan. The reported deal had allegedly entailed India moving its troops back a few miles in Kargil. While the Manmohan Singh administration denied the reports, the possibility that policy-makers might compromise national interest in return for financial benefit is indeed worrying.

Natwar had earlier vigorously opposed the invasion of Iraq which I had assumed was on principle. I now have my doubts. I question his judgement and financial probity. The least the Government can do is to remove him from his position until the investigation is completed. India, a country of 1.25 million square miles, a population of 1,100 million and with one of the largest economies in the world, can not be represented on the world stage by an outdated ideologue whose policies now stand under the shadow of possible financial misdemeanor.

brave order AP high court cancellins reservations to muslims

what a great verdict
it will have a great impact on indian society
reservations on the line of religion will be disaster for our country
a great deed and a win for the desh bhakt indians
it would increase the conversion to muslims religion
in a country like india these reservations are totally futile
people want to go to any extent to get a job
they will not mind to change their religion or caste to get a livelyhood
so this decision will go a long way in indian history

brave order AP high court cancellins reservations to muslims

what a great verdict
it will have a great impact on indian society
reservations on the line of religion will be disaster for our country
a great deed and a win for the desh bhakt indians
it would increase the conversion to muslims religion
in a country like india these reservations are totally futile
people want to go to any extent to get a job
they will not mind to change their religion or caste to get a livelyhood
so this decision will go a long way in indian history

Friday, November 04, 2005

students unrest in piet

hey all
listen can u believe if i say for some inst. doing mass copy ios larger than life
ya it happened in piet an private engg college where i m working
when we stopped the 6thh sem students from mass copying
they went on ransacking the college building
whaen fine was imposed obn them they went on bitting one of our collegue
their demand was the college authority should al;low them to copy
but it did not happen
then after lot of negotiations with the authority the strike was called off and they were only allowed to appear in the exam fter they gave an undertaking not to do any unfair means

so can u see orissa another bihar in making in education
so its just a warning bell to all of them .

share ur comments

Thursday, October 27, 2005



First they came for (invasion on ) East Punjabi/Sindhi Hindus
And I did not speak out,
Because I was not a East Punjabi/Sindhi Hindu

Then they came for Bangladeshi Hindus
And I did not speak out,
Because I was not a Bangladeshi Hindu

Then they came for the Kashmiri Hindus
And I did not speak out,
Because I was not a Kashmiri Hindu

Then they came for the Jammu Hindus
And I did not speak out,
Because I was not a Jammu Hindu

Then they came for the Assamese Hindus
And I did not speak out,
Because I was not a Assamese Hindu

Then they came for the West Bengali Hindus
And I did not speak out,
Because I was not a West Bengali Hindu

Then they came for the Kerala Hindus
And I did not speak out,
Because I was not a Kerala Hindu

Then when they finally came for me,
There was no one left to speak out.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005


i just want an open debate on this matter
should india open the loc for the quake victims
should we believe prez musharaf
we will give them shelter and food and in return we will get those dreaded terrorists i think
whats the [permanent solution for kashmir problem you think
i think trifucation of kashmir will be a great solution
because we are only having troubles in kashmir
jammu and ladakh region are peaceful because of their peoples mindsets
most of them are hindus and buddhists
but god help those muslims bretherns who may be in fear or their difalse integrety towards the nation shelter the teerorists and the terrorists in turn kill them
its high time to rectify the mistakes made by nehru and its legacy
whats your suggestions

vande mataram

Monday, October 24, 2005


we are indians
we have our own faith,tradition and culture to follow
but somehow now we are driven by the western wind and blindly follow their standard of leaving without thinking of the repurcursions it would have to our own culture.
their lifestyle "only those who earn survives and others perish" leads to a danger societal disease.
we have a family culture to follow,we respect our seniors and beg their blessings.
for us the world is a family and we believe in live and let live
in our dharma there is ample flexibility,we are not rigid like jihadi muslims and christian crusaders.
we worship our environment so protect it from destructive forces.
for us TYAGA AND KHYAMA are best weapons to win over our enemies.
i repeat these are not weaknesses but strengths.
we do have our third eye if it opens it will destroy everything but we believe in harmony.
so great indians rise above the caste and religion and build india in our own way.

let all live with peace and harmony,let all have good relations,let GOD takes away all ur sorrows.

vande bharata mataram

Sunday, October 23, 2005

listen sonians ,obey the sc orders

its an eye opener to all the sonians(read congress ministers),the verdict of supreme court should be implemented by the in its verdict held responsible the union govt to implement governors rule in bihar by dissolving the assembly and the role of buta singh cant be ignored.he must resign from the post and the pm manmohan singh(the puppet of madam sonia) must beg an apology to the nation.

in another instance allahabad court withdrew the minority status of aligarh muslim univ.its a welcome step and a direct slap on the face of mr arjun singh.he must learn to respect the verdict and agree with the law.

in another incident the supreme court abolish the imdt act .its a welcome step for all the rashtrabhakt indians.the problems in assam rose to an unexpectd level due to influx of bangladeshi.they are creating problems there but to our surprise the goi appointed a task force to study it,shame on you mr singh.better you resign from your post if you cant work independently.

its time for us indians to know them(all sonians) and we should take an oath to defeat the pseude secularist in the upcoming elections.

jago india jago

hindutwa is bharatiyata

hindutwa is not a religion
its a bichar dhara,its a way of life for us indians
but some pseudo secularists for the sake of vote bank politics discard it just for luring the muslims bretherns
but i reietre that muslims are also hindus because their nationality is same,their culture is no different and mostly their ancesstore are hook or crook they were forced to embrace islam.
no matter whatever be the upasana methods they remain hindus by hearts and they are also the torch bearers of hindutwa.some muslims are there who think the other way for them bharat is not their mother land so they owe their everything to meccas and sometimes behave as gaddars
so muslim society must change this attitude and come forward with their flying colours to show that they are no differnt than us.they love their country above all by their deeds not by merely words.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

pakistan earthquake

look at mr musha i mean musharaf
he suggested to open the loc for the civilians help but soldiers are not means we will send them the relief and from that side terrorists will get an easy chance to get in.what a chhal mushaji.for u it should be golden chance to get the other half of the kashmir.shame on u ,when everyone try to help u ,u are dillydallying.
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