Sunday, February 08, 2009

The aircraft ride at Meerut..

It was a sort of picnic with joy ride at Meerut as Boss invited us to join him for a ride in microlight ( the aircraft) ..Though it was Sunday, I could not resist the micro light ride. We started at around 11AM and reached at Bhimarao Ambedkar air strip at Meerut around 2 PM ( courtsey the ling journey with a heavy traffic plus an novice driver). The place was fantabulous as a long run way with the 20lacs microlight waiting for us . Mr Thapar..the wing commander briefed us about the danger and the procedure to get in and out of the aircraft. A little indiscipline may end your life as the blades run at a higher rpm. We were the first batch to get to ride. Prayas inagurated being the first one to take the ride.

As i entered into the craft..there was lil bit of nervousness gripping me. Mr Thapar relaxed me by asking me ceratin questions and we started flying within no moments..what an experience...just like playing a toy..One can feel it with the controller. Within no moments we were at a high of around 500 meters. He told me about the control , how to go up and down, tilt to an angle. I requested him for a test drive that is total control at my hand. I took up the challenege and could feel it to my self how it experieced.

marvellous.. cant get words to describe. The scenery was beautiful with mandirs, slums and green lands beneath..Mr Thapur was a guide and described me the total landscape in the sky. The microlight could go up to a speed of 160km per hour but the safe limit is 130km per hour.My flight ended with a high note.

All Inframembers there enjoyed a lot and the lunch was delicious too. While returning back, we were all taken by surprise because of the " why" question from the " Touch me not" guy Satwik. He was the sole entertainer in our cab.Ultimately the journey eneded with me getting down at Noida safely and taking the beautiful expereience with me..

What a nice experience ...I hope people would definitely try to take a ride as the enjoyment is far far higher than the cost they would pay..

Well done Microlight...
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