Monday, February 09, 2009

The big fight on non issues...

In India , its freedom to all as we Indians ( new generation ) was never a part of the great Indian revolution. What kind of independence we had at that time and what kind of liberty we want now. Its all about money power. It is the difference between the haves and have nots. The haves could go to pub, drink heavily, run down people, always on page 3, medias do glorify and they get free publicity and we the poor people can only analyse and fight among us ( reason unknown and unknowingly red carpet for the hate and quarrel well drawn ).Could you ever think of why we did analyse and shed tears that this is wrong, that is right. Perhaps we have lot of time to spare for such nuisances.I could hardly believe, the other day two of my close friends were literally fired up and almost beat each other ( they are trying to prove the greatness of Amir and Shahrukh khan ). Similar thing happened when a good friend circle of me turned violent on the issue of celebrating valentine day ( though none of them have girl friends and never celebrated the V day ).

This is the curiosity in this generation, they could rake up any issue and involve in exchange of words proving their own point and fight for these page 3 stories and the issues ( sometimes non issues hyped by media). they very well know that fighting each other would not solve their problem.

At last, one thing..

Man are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain always bound ............
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