Friday, February 13, 2009

Khakis will be khakis..can never be made pinks..

Qouting Mrinal Pandey:

Khaki made to turn pink

Mrinal Pande - Wednesday, February 11, 2009 10:36 AM

What all Renuka's rantings about Pub Bharo , could not achieve , a bunch of feisty young women journos with a healthy sense of humour have managed , by sending out a call via Facebook , for bombarding the violent armies of Ram Sainiks with pink Chaddis on Valentine's Day . These young women and their supporters are the true practitioners of Gandhigiri in our times . By a totally non violent but well timed comic gesture , they have reminded the public at once of the Khaki that lies beneath the saffron , and the ultra Right's ridiculous intolerance of women's assertion of their equality.

The women succeded for the same reason that Renuka failed . Their ire against the fascist activists of Mangalore was rooted in a democratic dislike for an attempt at curbing the basic liberties of citizens of all kinds , whereas Renuka wished to score debating points with a larger than life drama and in the process earn political Brownie points for her party . Her demand for storming pubs to protest against Sene's stand was as impractical , unGandhian and open to legitimate criticism as Advani's earlier demand for death penalty for rapists . Neither suggestion was practical , or addressed the root of the problem . Both tried to cash in on the public disgust for the act quickly and in doing so politicised the main issue and wiped off the human aspect of the crime .

So my congratulations to the young , who are shrewder , more compassionate and much better strategists than the senior political leaders .

My Reaction:

Dear madam, Though you have raised a valid point, the gandhian way of protesting by the young intellectual women yield results but the title is offensive to many. What do you mean by " khaki made to turn pink". What is this khaki symbolises. If by khakis , you want to turn your fingers on right wing organisations like RSS, then let me remind you that you are doing a terrible mistake. What is this Rama sene and their way of acting? They got what they want, cheap publicity. It would have been better if we could raise slogans and make people united to punish those guilty persons. No doubt, this is a victory with Chaddis and panties as weapons of destruction but it would have been better if you would have been written it in a different way. Its my sincere request to you to remove that khaki word from your writing.It is offensive to a particular organisation which stand for cultural unity and social upliftment of people.

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