Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The pub culture or the goons..who is to be blamed

A little known organisation ( Sri Rama Sene) took all the limelight in print as well as in other media recently due to their malign behavour with the pub going girls. Yesterday, they even issued a threat to all young couples not to indulge in any kind of indecent activities in the coming Valentines day, thus virtually taking all the sheen from Shiv Sena and Bajrang Dal.

Usually people know of Shiv sena and Bajrang Dal for giving such comments and making an issue out of these westernised culture in India.

Sri rama Sene activists stormed into a pub in mangalore and misbehaved even slapped the young drunken girls inside. Some girls complained of molestation by these so called Cultural brigade. It all happened before a full fledged media.

There is still doubt why such an incident took place while the media was covering the total event.Is it only for getting media attention or its all a part of the big plan.It is still to be investigated?? but the incident created a nationwide debate on Pub culture as CMs from different states raised concerns on mushrooming pubs and the denigration of culture it brings with it.

While there is a lot of condemnation from the public to this incident ( the beating of girls) , people are divided between whether to support the pub culture or not. While parents are concerned that the kids are getting trapped with such type of culture, youths in India are in favour of this kind of night out as they are more in favour of getting that extra attention which gives them a self satisfaction and economic freedom.

I was watching a hot debate inNDTV on the issue like NAri Mukti and Nari Shakti other day and the views are completely divided. While some are completely in favour of giving freedoms to women as they think this as a women empowerment and others prefer to take a safe side and said that this kind of culture will not take us in the right direction.

On one side I am completely against the beating of girls which create a fear psychosis among the girls but this is the right time to discuss about the mushrooming of pub culture in India.]

The other day I was discussing with my friend on this particular issues and he said that this is only due to the money power the youth is having today. They dont have other alternatives to invest or do any social work or charity and they want to spend in this way as they want to live their life by day. People keepp throwing parties very often as they have the money to spend and the pubs are made only for them as the crowd there are either blue colour professionals or high earning individuals or the kids of the hi flier of this socity ( money wise).

Though I do not have any respect left for those tie knot over coat dressed guys after Satyam Fiasco one thing is sure the discrimination due to imbalance of earning power creates all the problem.
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