Thursday, February 12, 2009

India power stations 2009: Imagineering for a "Brave New World"

"When the going is tough, then the tough gets going" the concluding remark of Mr Chanda Roy, Director (Operations) NTPC in the eve of inaguration of International O& M Confrence at Le Meridian, New Delhi on February 13, 2009.NTPC is organising IPS-2009 ( Indian Power Stations-2009 ) to commemorate the first unit of commissioning of NTPC Singrauli power station on 13th February, 1982.

NTPC which has installed capacity of 30626MW is the largest power generation company in India. It has nearly 24oooemployees and it plans to be a 75000MW company by 2017.Its plants are highly efficient. Currently it is foraying into hydro, coal mining and renewables. It is by and large a energy integrated company. At the same time, it is having its own problems.

It is struggling with fuel issues ( Coal and Gas availability ).Due to non availability of fuel, generation was starnded which is a big loss to the nation.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr jairam Ramesh very rightly identified 3 criticalpoints .
  1. Environmental issues
  2. Competitive challenges
  3. HR issues
NTPC is 3rd largest polluter in terms of GHG emmission , though it can take credit of being the 2nd lowest emmitter in terms of CO2 intensity (i.e) Co2 generated per MW unit generation. But it will have to face resistance from the global community as well as from our own country. There is also inherent problems of land acquisition and water availabilty. NTPC has recently started installing equipments worth 30 crores to measure CO2 emmission which is unique on its own.NTPC should focus on itigating carbon emmissins

On competitve challenges, the minister of state said that the UMPPs are getting out of the reach of NTPC besides having competitive advantages. This is vary sad. While private companies are quoting at Rs 1.70 for pit head power plants, NTPC quoting Rs 2.24 which is not done. The real competition will arise when in 2011, all the power projects will be awarded on the basis of competitive bidding and at that time it will be do or die like situation for NTPC as it will complete directly with private players. So he warned NTPC to prepare fully for the head on competition and assured that Govt will help it fully in its endevour. NTPC officials are always talking of problems with CVC when it comes to competitive bidding and blame it on the internal structure of the company and the association with BHEL for not quoting a comparable lower tariff.

Last but not the least, he highlighted the HR problems in NTPC and told that the challenge before NTPC is recruit and retain the engineering and management staffs. He even called back the NTPC top guns who shunned NTPC and joined private organisations for sake of money.Private companies are reaping benefit because of NTPC employees working there with their talent and experience.He also expressed concerns over the average age profile of NTPC employees which is around mid 40 level.

Other speakers on the dias did highlight other imporatnt issues but CEA once again reiterated that NTPC should not depend on CIL for its coal supplies. It must import coal or develop captive coal mines within time schedule so as to fulfill its targeted generation.

The CERC norms are getting tougher day by day and its a big challenge to make available the plant for 85%.

While there are challenges all around, NTPC has the strength to tackle it on its own. The aim is big and like Mr Chandan Roy said when the going is tough, the tough gets going...

Lets hope NTPC achieve its target and serve the country with its vision and mission.

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